Measuring wall thickness loss for a structure; US Patent Number: 9,689,671, and US Patent Application: 15/632,725
Ultrasonic imaging of an elongate device penetrating an object; Publication Number WO 2008/020157
Refereed Journals:
F. Simonetti. Cryo-ultrasonic imaging of curved components, J. Japanese Soc. NDI, 73, 78-84, 2024.
T Kawabata, T Hayashi, F Simonetti. Ice-enhanced thermoelastic excitation of ultrasonic waves, Appl. Phys. Lett., 124, 052202, 2024.
F. Ghanbari, E. G. Rodriguez, D. Millan, F. Simonetti, A. P. Arguelles, and C. Peco. Modeling of wave propagation in polycrystalline ice with hierarchical density gradients, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 217, 103916, 2023.
F. Simonetti. Cryo-ultrasonic testing of curved components, NDT & E International, 137, 102835, 2023.
F. Simonetti and M. D. Uchic. Equiaxed Polycrystalline Ice for Ultrasonic Testing of Solids, Phys. Rev. Applied, 18, 014034, 2022.
F. Simonetti and M. Y. Alqaradawi. Guided ultrasonic wave tomography of a pipe bend exposed to environmental conditions: A long-term monitoring experiment, NDT & E International, 105, 1-10, 2019.
F. Simonetti and M. Fox. Experimental methods for ultrasonic testing of complex-shaped parts encased in ice, NDT & E International, 103, 1-11, 2019.
F. Simonetti, I.L. Satow, A.J. Brath, K.C. Wells, J. Porter, B. Hayes, K.Davis, Cryo-ultrasonic NDE: Ice-cold ultrasonic waves for the detection of damage in complex-shaped engineering components, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont., 65 , 638-647, 2018.
A.J. Brath, F. Simonetti. Phased array imaging of complex-geometry composite components, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont., 64, 1573-1582, 2017.
A.J. Brath, F. Simonetti, P.B. Nagy, G. Instanes. Guided wave tomography of pipe bends, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont, 64, 847-857, 2017.
A.J. Brath, F. Simonetti, P.B. Nagy, G. Instanes. Experimental validation of a fast forward model for guided wave tomography of pipe elbows, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont., 64, 859-871, 2017.
R. Quintero, F. Simonetti, P. Howard, J. Friedl, A. Sellinger. Noncontact laser ultrasonic inspection of ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), NDT & E International, 88, 8-16, 2017.
C.L. Willey, F. Simonetti. A two-dimensional analysis of the sensitivity of a pulse first break to wave speed contrast on a scale below the resolution length of ray tomography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 139, 3145-3158, 2016.
S.M. Vejjavarapu and F. Simonetti. An experimental model for guided microwave backscattering from wet insulation in pipelines, J. Nondestructive Evaluation, 33, 583-596, 2014.
C.L. Willey, F. Simonetti, P.B. Nagy, G. Instanes. Guided wave tomography of pipes with high-order helical modes, NDT & E International, 65, 8-21,2014.
P.B. Nagy, F. Simonetti, G. Instanes. Corrosion and erosion monitoring in plates and pipes using constant group velocity Lamb wave inspection, Ultrasonics, 54, 1832-1841, 2014.
A.J. Brath, F. Simonetti, P.B. Nagy, G. Instanes. Acoustic formulation of elastic guided wave propagation and scattering in curved tubular structures, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont, 61, 815-829, 2014.
R. Quintero and F. Simonetti. Rayleigh wave scattering from sessile droplets. Phys. Rev. E, 88, 043011 1-13, 2013.
P. Huthwaite, F. Simonetti. High-resolution guided wave tomography, Wave Motion, 50, 979-993, 2013.
P. Huthwaite, A.A. Zwiebel, F. Simonetti. A new regularization technique for limited-view sound-speed imaging, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont, 60, 603-613, 2013.
P. Huthwaite, F. Simonetti, N. Duric. Combining time of flight and diffraction tomography for high resolution breast imaging: Initial in-vivo results, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 132, 1249-1252, 2012.
P. Huthwaite and F. Simonetti. Modelling the measurement of ultrasonic beams transmitted through a penetrable acoustic cone, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont, 59, 2292-2303, 2012.
R.E. Jones, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe, I.P. Bradley. The effect of Bends on the long-range microwave inspection of thermally insulated pipelines for the detection of water J. Nondestructive Evaluation, 31, 117-127, 2012
R. E. Jones, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe, I.P. Bradley. Use of microwaves for the detection of water as a cause of corrosion under insulation J. Nondestructive Evaluation, 31, 65-76, 2012.
P. Huthwaite and F. Simonetti. High-resolution imaging without iteration: A fast and robust method for breast ultrasound tomography, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 130, 1721-1734, 2011.
T. Hutt and F. Simonetti. Reconstructing the shape of an object from its mirror image, J. Appl. Phys., 108, 064909 1-11, 2010.
P. Belanger, P. Cawley, F. Simonetti. Guided Wave Diffraction Tomography within the Born Approximation IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont, 57: 1405-1418, 2010.
(Invited) T. Hutt and F. Simonetti. Reconstructing the back of a defect from its mirror image, Insight, 52, 82-86, 2010.
T Clarke, F Simonetti, P Cawley. Guided wave health monitoring of complex structures by sparse array systems: Influence of temperature changes on performance, J. Sound Vibrations, 329, 2306-2322, 2010.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, N. Duric. A multiscale approach to diffraction tomography of complex three-dimensional objects. Appl. Phys. Lett., 95, 065904 1-3, 2009.
F. Simonetti and L. Huang. Synthetic aperture diffraction tomography for three-dimensional imaging. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 465, 2877-2895, 2009.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, N. Duric and P. Littrup. Diffraction and coherence in breast ultrasound tomography: A study with a toroidal array. Med. Phys, 36, 2955-65, 2009.
T Clarke, F Simonetti, S I Rokhlin and P Cawley. Development of a low-frequency high purity A0 mode transducer for SHM applications, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Cont., 56, 1457-68, 2009.
T Cicero, P Cawley, F Simonetti, and S I Rokhlin. Potential and Limitations of a Deconvolution Approach for Guided Wave Structural Health Monitoring, Struct. Health Monit., 1475921708102086, 2009.
F. Simonetti and L. Huang. From beamforming to diffraction tomography. J. Appl. Phys, 103, 103110, 2008.
F. Simonetti, M. Fleming, E. A. Marengo. Illustration of the role of multiple scattering in subwavelength imaging from far-field measurements. J. Opt. Soc. Am A, 25, 292-303, 2008.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, N. Duric and O. Rama. Imaging beyond the Born approximation: An experimental Investigation with an ultrasound ring array. Phys. Rev. E, 76, 036601 1-10, 2007.
F. Simonetti. Reply to 'Comment on 'The key to unravel the subwavelength world from the far-field pattern of a scattered wave'', Phys. Rev. E, 75, 048602 1-4, 2007.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang and N. Duric. On the spatial sampling of wave fields with a circular ring aperture. J. Appl. Phys. 101, 083103, 2007.
J. Ma, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. Feasibility study of sludge and blockage detection inside pipes using guided torsional waves. Measur. Sci. Tech., 18, 2629-2641, 2007.
E. A. Marengo, F. K. Gruber and F. Simonetti. Time-reversal MUSIC imaging of extended targets. IEEE Trans. Image Process. 16, 1967-1984, 2007.
J. Ma, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. Measurement of the properties of fluids inside pipes using guided longitudinal waves. IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect. Freq. Contr. 54, 647-658, 2007.
F. Simonetti. Localization of pointlike scatterers in solids with subwavelength resolution, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 094105 1-3, 2006.
F. Simonetti. Multiple scattering: The key to unravel the subwavelength world from the far-field pattern of a scattered wave, Phys. Rev. E, 73, 036619 1-13, 2006.
J. Ma, F. Simonetti and M. J. S Lowe. Scattering of the fundamental torsional mode by an axysimmetric layer inside a pipe. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 1871-1880, 2006.
F. Simonetti, P. Cawley and A. Demcenko. On the measurement of the Young's modulus of small samples by acoustic interferometry. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, 832-840, 2005.
F. Simonetti and M. J. S. Lowe. On the meaning of Lamb mode nonpropagating branches. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118, 186-192, 2005.
F. Simonetti. Lamb wave propagation in elastic plates coated with viscoelastic materials, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 2041-2053, 2004.
F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. On the nature of shear horizontal wave propagation in elastic plates coated with viscoelastic materials, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 460, 2197-2221, 2004.
F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. Ultrasonic interferometry for the measurement of shear velocity and attenuation in viscoelastic solids. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115, 157-164, 2004.
F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. A guided wave technique for the characterization of highly attenuative viscoelastic materials. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 114, 158-165, 2003.
P. Cawley, M. J. S Lowe, F. Simonetti, C. Chevalier and A. G. Roosenbrand. The variation of the reflection coefficient of extensional guided waves in pipes from defects as a function of defect depth, axial extent, circumferential extent and frequency. J. Mech. Eng. Sci., 216(C), 1131-1143, 2002.
F. Simonetti and R. Marretta. A numerical variational approach for rotor-propeller aerodynamics in axial flight. CMES, 1, 141-150, 2000.
Book Chapters
F. Simonetti. Novel ultrasound imaging applications, Springer Series in Materials Science, 166, 115-139, 2013.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
P. Huthwaite, P.Cawley, R. Ribichini, M.J.S. Lowe, F. Simonetti. High-resolution guided wave tomography. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., In press.
P. Huthwaite, M.J.S. Lowe, F. Simonetti. Ultrasonic quantitative imaging with limited view arrays. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., In press.
P. Huthwaite, F. Simonetti. High sensitivity damage detection by sound-speed mapping. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., volume 31, pages 777 - 784, 2012.
T. Hutt and F. Simonetti. Wideband super-resolution imaging in highly attenuative materials, Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., volume 31, pages 739 - 746, 2012.
R. E. Jones, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe, I.P. Bradley. Use of microwaves for the detection of corrosion under insulation: The effect of bends. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., volume 31, pages 1665 - 1672, 2012.
R. E. Jones, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe, I.P. Bradley. Use of microwaves for the detection of corrosion under insulation: a sensitivity study. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., volume 30, pages 1714 - 1721, 2011
T. Hutt and F. Simonetti. Super resolution imaging in elastic media, Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys.,volume 30, pages 736 - 743, 2011.
P. Huthwaite, F. Simonetti, and L. Huang. The Different Structural Scales of the Breast and their Impact on Time-of-Flight and Diffraction Tomography, In S. A. McAleavey and J. D'Hooge, editors. Medical imaging 2009 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7629, pages 76290L-1-8, 2010.
L. Huang, F. Simonetti, P. Hutwaite, R. Rosemberg and M. Williamson. Detecting breastmicrocalcifications using super-resolution and wave-equation ultrasound imaging: A numerical phantom study. In S. A. McAleavey and J. D'Hooge, editors. Medical imaging 2009 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7629, pages 762919-1-8, 2010.
R. Jones, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe and I. Bradley. Use of Microwaves for the Detection of Corrosion Under Insulation. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 29, pages 1373 - 1380, 2010.
P. Huthwaite, F. Simonetti, and M.J.S Lowe. On the convergence of FE scattering models. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 29, pages 65 - 72, 2010.
T. Hutt, F. Simonetti. Imaging the back of a defect from its mirror image. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 29, pages 472 - 749, 2010.
F. Simonetti, and L. Huang. A novel synthetic aperture technique for breast tomography with toroidal arrays. In S. A. McAleavey and J. D'Hooge, editors. Medical imaging 2009 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7256, pages 72650Y-1-8, 2009.
F. Simonetti. A guided wave technique for needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance. In M. I Miga and K. H. Wong editors. Medical imaging 2009 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7261, pages 726118-1-8, 2009.
T. Cicero, P. Cawley, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. Effects of liquid loading and change of properties of adhesive joints on subtraction techniques for structural health monitoring. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 28, pages 1006 - 1013, 2009.
F. Simonetti. Modern ultrasound imaging: An exciting window into the sub-surface world. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 28, pages 33 - 46, 2009.
T. Clarke, F. Simonetti, and P. Cawley. Evaluation of a strategy to minimize temperature effects during sparse arry guided wave SHM of real complex structures. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 28, pages 958 - 965, 2009.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, and N. Duric. Transmission and reflection tomography in breast imaging. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Sanya, China, volume 2, 723-727, 2008.
T. Cicero, P. Cawley, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. Deconvolution approach for sparse sensor arrys in structural health monitoring. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 27, pages 571 - 578, 2008.
T. Clarke, F. Simonetti, S. Rokhlin and P. Cawley. Evaluation of the temperature stability of a low-frequency A0 mode transducer developed for SHM applications. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 27, pages 910 - 917, 2008.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, and N. Duric. Frequency Diversity in Breast Ultrasound Tomography. In S. Emelianov and W. F. Walker, 61470E, editors. Medical imaging 2008 SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 6913, pages 69134EF, 2008.
F. Simonetti, L. Huang, N. Duric and O. Rama. Super-resolution ultrasound tomography: A preliminary study with a ring array. In S. Emelianov and W. F. Walker, 61470E, editors. Medical imaging 2007, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 6510, pages 65103F, 2007.
J. Ma, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. Measurement of the properties of fluids inside pipes using guided longitudinal waves. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 26, pages 136 - 143, 2007.
J. Ma, F. Simonetti and M.J.S. Lowe. Practical considerations of sludge and blokage detection inside pipes using guided ultrasonic waves. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 26, 2007.
J. Ma, F. Simonetti and M.J.S. Lowe. Practical considerations of sludge and blokage detection inside pipes using guided ultrasonic waves. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 26, 2007.
F. Simonetti, "Pushing the boundaries of ultrasound imaging to unravel the subwavelength world," in Proceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, pages 313-316, 2006.
F. Simonetti. Breaking the resolution limit: An exciting experimental result. In S. Emelianov and W. F. Walker, 61470E, editors. Medical imaging 2006, SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 6147, pages 126 - 133, 2006.
J. Davies, F. Simonetti, M.J.S. Lowe and P. Cawley. 'Review of Synthetically Focused Guided Wave Imaging Techniques with Application to Defect Sizing'. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 25, pages 142-149, 2006.
G. Sposito, F. Simonetti, P. Cawley and P. B. Nagy. Potential Drop Spectroscopy for characterization of complex defects. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 25, pages 407-414, 2006.
M. Fleming, M. J. S. Lowe, F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. Super Resolution Imaging: Performance Studies. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 25, pages 736-743, 2006.
J. Ma, F. Simonetti and M.J.S. Lowe. Sludge and blockage characterization inside pipes using guided ultrasonic waves. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 25, pages 1656-1663, 2006.
F Simonetti. Breaking the resolution limit: A new prospective for imaging in NDE. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, , volume 25, pages 700-707, 2006.
Cawley P. and Simonetti F. Structural health monitoring using guided waves - Potential and challenges. In Fu-Kuo Chang, editor. Structural Health Monitoring, DEStech Pub. Inc., Lancaster, pages 503-510, 2005.
F. Simonetti. The role of material absorption in guided wave propagation. In D. O. Thompson and D. E. Chimenti, editors. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 24, pages 112-119, 2005.
F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. Rapid low frequency measurement of the acoustic properties of solid viscoelastic materials. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 23, pages 1107-1114, 2004.
F. Simonetti, P. Cawley and M. J. S. Lowe. Long range inspection of lossy bilayers. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 23, pages 222-229, 2004.
F. Simonetti and P. Cawley. A guided wave technique for the characterization of highly attenuative viscoelastic materials. Proceedings of the Review of Progress in QNDE, Am. Inst. Phys., New York, volume 22, pages 1235-1242, 2003.
P. Cawley, M.J.S. Lowe and F. Simonetti. The reflection coefficient of extensional guided waves in pipes as a function of defect size and frequency, Proc 8th Euro NDT Conf, Barcelona, June 17-21, 2002.